Category: Blog

The Common Symptoms of Angina

Angina pectoris, commonly referred to as angina, is a medical term for abdominal pain or discomfort related to heart disease. It normally occurs after coronary heart disease has affected the lining of the coronary artery. It usually occurs when the coronary artery does not receive as much blood as...

How To Identify and Deal With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a psychiatric disorder that is characterized by repeated and unwanted compulsive and ritualistic behaviors. These behaviors can include things like thumbing or licking, washing hands repeatedly, writing, counting or even holding an electronic gadget, with the belief that these actions will help...

Introduction To Epstien

  Epstien, also known as Epistemology for Students, is an online course aimed at first-year and graduate students   The objective of the course is to provide the student with an introduction to medical terminology, theories on illness and disease, and how to conduct research into new areas in...

What Is the Most Common Vertigo Causes?

Vertigo is one of the most common, but often misdiagnosed conditions in today's world   This article will discuss some of the many possible vertigo causes and how to treat your condition.   Vertigo, or dizziness, is the feeling that you are losing your balance. It can vary from...

Treatments For Orchitis

Orchis is the inflammation of either the scrotum or one or both ovaries   Viral or bacterial infections may cause orchis, although the actual cause may not always be known. Orchis is usually the result of an infection with a sexually transmitted disease (STD).   Orchid's growth in the...

How to Fall Asleep – Tips to Help You Fall Asleep Fast

  How to fall asleep is a question that plagues millions of people in this world. There are many reasons why we are unable to fall asleep, and we can't do it all night long, if at all. One of the primary reasons why people are having problems is...

Cervical Breakage Explained

Cervical vertebrae are the bones and soft tissues that make up the neck, spine and thorax in vertebrates   In vertebrate animals, the cervical skeletal system consists of seven cervical thoracic vertebral bodies (T7), five midline cervical thoracic vertebral bodies (T6), and one lumbar, thoracic vertebral body (T5).  ...

Get Rid of Dizziness – Learn to Handle Dizziness

  Dizziness is a condition that can make your life miserable   It makes it difficult to concentrate. It makes you irritable. So, what do you do?   There are some things that you can do to help yourself while you are having dizzy spells. The first thing to...

Acute Coronary Syndrome – Learn How to Identify and Treat Its Symptoms

  Acute coronary syndromes (ACS), also known as coronary heart disease or coronary heart disease, is a disorder that causes significant, short-term changes in the heart's structure. In the early stages of the disorder, ACS can cause fainting, chest pain and fatigue. As the disorder becomes more serious cardiac...