How to Cure Your Phobia

Phobia is actually a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is a strong, unreasonable fear of a thing or creature that does not pose a physical danger. There are several specific phobias that can be classified as phobias. Some examples include agoraphobia, claustrophobia, social anxiety, and general social phobia. Each...

What Is Morton Neuroma?

Morton neuromas is a condition in which damage is done to the nerves that normally connect the toe to the other toes, leading to excruciating pain and numbness. This condition commonly occurs in women than in men and it more often happens in the toe on the outside of...

Erectile Dysfunction – How it May Cause Emotional and Psychological Problems

Most men experience an erect during sexual intercourse for at least the first few minutes. Erections may continue through the entire duration of an erection. When men are sexually excited, hormonal, tissues, cells, and muscles all work together to form an erection The causes of erectile dysfunction are many,...

Tips For Dealing With High Glucose

High glucose levels in the blood are a common symptom of a high sugar diet. If you have been on a high sugar diet for a long time, you may be experiencing other symptoms as well. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, then it may be...

Symptoms of Walking Pneumonia

Walking pneumonia is a technical term for a form of pneumonia that is not severe enough to warrant hospitalization or even bed rest. Instead, you may feel like you have a cold, not pneumonia. The symptoms of walking pneumonia are usually very mild and you don't feel like you...

Autism Symptoms – How to Help Your Child Cope With Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder or Autism is a neurological disorder that affects a child's behavior, communication, social skills, and behavior. The disorder usually manifests itself in early childhood Autism symptoms can range from mild to severe. Some children have mild autism symptoms, others more severe. Most autistic people have one...

Kidney Disease Stages

Kidney disease is a progressive disease, which means that it gets worse over time. However, there are three stages in which the disease may progress. The three stages of kidney disorder are the first, chronic, stage. The second stage is the intermediate stage and the third is the terminal...

Differences Between PDD and Autism Spectrum Disorder

The latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) does not include Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) or Asperger’s Disorder. From a pragmatic point of view, this meant calling it a common developmental disorder with Asperger’s as a technical issue. Autism Spectrum Disorder or Autism means the same thing....

Identifying Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is the general name for a group of cardiovascular diseases, mainly atherosclerotic heart disease. It is a progressive condition that impairs your ability to maintain normal blood circulation, increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke. At a young age, atherosclerosis occurs only in people who have hereditary...

Amnionic Fluid Embolism: What is Amnionic Fluid Embolism and How is it Treated

Amniotic fluids or amnion fluid often leaks out of the womb, but when it does, it causes Amnionic Gelidectomy, which occurs from a blockage in the atrium. Amnionic Gelidectomy occurs when fetal or amnial fluid enters a pregnant woman's blood stream, sometimes leading to anemia or a serious complication....